Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine for temporary visitors and those on provisional-release status, etc.

Those who are residing as temporary visitors, provisional-release status or applying for provisional-release status, etc. are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccination is free of charge.

1. Receiving a vaccination coupon

Please inquire at the municipal office where you live to receive a vaccination coupon.

・A status of residence (zairyushikaku) of three month or less, a diplomatic visa (gaiko), an official visa (koyo) and temporary visitor (tanki-taizai)
(Those who cannot return to their country and have been staying in Japan for three months or longer due to COVID-19.)

You will receive the following postcard from the Immigration Service Agency of Japan.



Please go to your local municipal office with the following items:
① Postcard
② Identification document (passport, etc.)
If you do not have the postcard, please bring the following items.
① Proof of residency (utility payment certificate, etc.)
② Identification document (passport, etc.)

For those with provisional-release status, please take the following items to your local municipal office.

① Provisional Release Permit or notification regarding provisional release from the Regional Immigration Services Bureau in your area.
② Identification document (passport, etc.)

If you are currently applying for provisional-release status, please take the following items to your local municipal office.

① Proof of residency (utility payment certificate, etc.)
② Identification document (passport, etc.)


※The items required to receive a vaccination coupon vary depending on the municipality. You can ask at the local municipal office for details.
※Even if you cannot prepare the items, ① or ② mentioned above, please seek advice from an inquiry desk or local municipal office.

2. Booking an appointment for the vaccination

予Bookings can be made from a booking website, call center, etc.
The following website shows how to book, etc.
Please ask your local municipal office for details.

3. Inquiry desk regarding the vaccination

Problems/trouble regarding the vaccination:

・COVID-19 Vaccination Information Center for International Citizen (sponsored by CINGA)
10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Monday–Friday
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
※ The available language is easy Japanese. However, you can be connected to the service in another language.
Websites:, English, Vietnamese) only / a list of regional inquiry desks is available)

・You can look for an International Exchange Association, etc. in your area on the following website.

・FRESC Help Desk (Immigration Service Agency of Japan)
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Monday–Friday
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
Available languages: easy Japanese, English, Chinese (simplified / traditional), Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Nepali, Thai, Indonesian, Tagalog, Burmese, Khmer, Mongolian, French, Sinhala, Urdu and Bengali
 First, they will speak in easy Japanese, and then an interpreter will join to assist you in one of the above languages.

Inquiries on making appointments:
Please seek advice from the municipal office where you reside.

《 Source / Reference 》


「【特別転載】新型コロナウイルス感染症のワクチン接種の外国人に対する取り扱いについて」(特定非営利活動法人 移住者と連帯する全国ネットワーク)

「CINGA主催 外国人新型コロナワクチン相談センター」(CINGA)

「ワクチンをうけたい あなたのまちの外国人相談」(CINGA)

アラビア語 インドネシア語 英語
韓国語 クメール語 スペイン語
タイ語 タガログ語 中国語
ネパール語 ビルマ語 フランス語
ベトナム語 ペルシア語 ポルトガル語
マレー語 モンゴル語 ロシア語
ベトナム語 日本