Assistance Program for Students Attending High Schools, Etc.

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Through this program, the national government can assist you in paying for high school expenses.

Public high schools: You can receive aid of up to 118,800 yen per year.
-> School expenses that need to be paid can be reduced to 0 yen.

Private high schools: You can receive aid amounting from 118,800 yen to 396,000 yen per year.
-> A certain amount of school expenses may still need to be paid (the amount to be paid will be determined by the guardian’s income).

The national government will directly provide schools with payment for these school expenses.
Money for these payments will not be transferred to students or their family members.

Your school will provide you with information on this program once you have entered school.
If you would like to make use of this program, please apply for it through your school.
For students who do not apply for this program, their guardian will need to pay for these school expenses on their own.

Students who can make use of this program:
Students that have a mailing address in Japan, and who are attending high school, etc.

Schools for which this program can be used:
– Koto gakko (high schools) – (full-time programs, part-time programs, correspondence programs) *Excludes major courses/special courses
– Second semester of chuto kyoiku gakko (secondary schools) *Excludes major courses/special courses
– High school programs at tokubetsu shien gakko (special needs schools)
– Koto senmon gakko (colleges of technology) – (from 1st to 3rd year)
– Senshu gakko (specialized training colleges) – (high school course/general course) and miscellaneous schools

This program can also be used by students at foreign schools.
This program can only be used for the schools listed by name at the website shown below:

However, please note that this program cannot be used by students for which any of the following conditions apply.
– If the student’s guardian is earning 9,100,000 yen or more in 1 year
– If the student has already graduated from high school
– If the student has been attending high school for longer than 36 months

Items required for applying:
Please submit the following to the school that you are attending.
– Jukyu shikaku nintei shinseisho (application for recognition of eligibility) – (You can obtain this at school. Please fill out the required items.)
– Copy of your My Number Card or a copy of a juminhyo (certificate of residence) that indicates your My Number.

In some cases, you may need to submit tax forms (kazei shomeisho – taxation certificate) instead of the copy of your My Number Card.
This will differ depending on the prefecture in which your school is located.
Please carefully pay attention to information provided by your school.

This program can only be used by families that have taken care of procedures related to their taxes (local resident taxes).

Please make sure that you take care of these procedures (reporting local resident taxes) before applying to this program.

If you have any questions, please ask someone at the school office at your high school.

You can also find more detailed information on this program at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s website (only available in Japanese).



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