Regarding Status of Residence of Those Who Lost a Job or are Unable to Go to Work due to the Novel Coronavirus


① Among those who have a status of residence (zairyushikaku) to work, persons specified in the following may remain in Japan with their current status of residence.
(1) Those who were fired and would like to find a new job
(2) Those who are requested by their employer to stay at home but would like to go back to the same job
(3) Those whose working hours were reduced by their employer but would like to continue the same job
(4) Those who are similar to those mentioned in (1) through (3)

You may choose to apply for permission to engage in work other than that permitted under your status of residence (shikakugaikatsudo).
Please submit a document which verifies that you are being placed in one of those situations described in (1) through (4) because of your employer’s convenience. You may engage in work other than that permitted under your status of residence for six months (or until your authorized period of stay expires if it ends before six months).

② When the authorized period of stay for those mentioned in ① expires, a new status of residence titled “Designated Activities (tokuteikatsudo)” can be provided.
Please submit a document which verifies that you are being placed in one of those situations described in (1) through (4) because of your employer’s convenience. You may choose to apply for permission to engage in work other than that permitted under your status of residence. You may engage in such work for six months (or until your authorized period of stay expires if it ends before six months).

You can get the authorized period of stay extended (for six months) if you are unable to work due to the novel coronavirus.

(Note) Persons specified in the following can get their authorized period of stay extended (for one year) with the current status of residence unchanged.
・Those whose remaining required stay-at-home period is one month or less when the authorized period of stay expires.
・Those who worked longer than being required to stay at home.

③ Please be mindful of the following:
When those who acquired “Designated Activities” status go back to ordinary work, immediate application for a change in status of residence is required.
Those who apply for permission to engage in work other than that permitted under their status of residence are required to get approval from their employer. Please make sure that the employer is notified of such an application. (The approval from the employer needs to be reported at the time of application.)
None of the above is applicable to Technical Intern Trainees.

Consultation regarding procedures for residence is available in multiple languages. Services Agency’s website)

について(出入国在留管理庁 2020 年 6 月 1 日 )

アラビア語 インドネシア語 英語
韓国語 スペイン語 タイ語
タガログ語 中国語 日本語
ネパール語 ビルマ語 ベトナム語