1) We dedicated two of our radio shows to the people of Japan The recordings of the two shows are included in the files on the Google
page. The file names for the shows are:
a) March 13 2011-Coming Alive! with Camille, Rick, Naoka – Blessings for Japan.mp3 and
b) March 20 2011-Coming Alive! with Camille, Rick, Fujimori, Dave Koz, Mauli Cook- Blessings for Japan.mp3.
2) The show of March 20 was the one that Reverend Fujimori graciously called in to. Also on that show were Mauli Cook of Kauai, a well-known ambassador of Hawaiian hula and culture, and our friend Dave Koz, an internationally-known jazz saxophonist who visits Japan often and has a deep love and respect for the Japanese people and culture.
3) Camille and I also recorded a greeting and blessing, from us and KKCR, to the people of Japan. The file is labeled for easy identification: Intro from Camille and Rick of KKCR Radio on Kauai.MP3.
4) The file names of the other recordings all start with MZ, for example: MZ000029.MP3. There is no particular sequence and the last two numbers in the filenames start at 29 and go up to 96. There are numbers that are missing from the sequence – don’t worry about those.
5) Each file is a separate message from one person. (Except for one or two files that have a message from 2 people.) I thought that would be the easiest way for us to handle them and for you to use them.
6) All the files are MP3 format.We hope to record more blessings and prayers in the near future. But we have to wait for the recording device to be available again.
Thank you again. Love and blessings,
Camille & Rick Copeland and KKCR Radio