●場所:たかとりコミュニティセンター1階 食堂 (JR鷹取駅南へ徒歩5分程度)
Do you regularly prepare お弁当(Obento or boxed lunch) for your kids or your family member? Do you find it hard task?(Actually, I do!) Would you like to make it simple and fun? Join our cooking session for making Obento with help of a registered dietitian!
- Date & Time: Saturday, June 17 13:30-16:00
- Venue: At TCC’s Kitchen (located on the 1st floor of the Takatori Community Center, a 5-minute walk from the JR Takatori station.)
- Fee: No charge
- Languages: Japanese, Tagalog, and English.
- Inquiries: 078-734-3633・awep@tcc117.jp
この事業は、中央共同募金会「外国にルーツがある人々への支援活動応援助成 第3回」を受けて実施しています。