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「3月12日10時現在、福島第一原子力発電所の10キロ以内の方に避難指示、福島第二原子力発電所の3キロ以内の方は避難指示、3キロから10キロの範囲の方に屋内に待機せよとの指示が、日本国政府からでております。 現在、放射能物質は出ておらず、あくまでも念のための措置であるとのことです。対象となる地域は、大熊町、双葉町、富岡町、楢葉町、広野町の一部です。」

Evacuation order

As of 10:00 AM on March 12th the Japanese government has issued an evacuation order for the area within a 10km radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. An evacuation order has also been issued for the area within a 3km radius of the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant. The government is also ordering those living within a 3km to 10km
radius of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant to remain indoors. Currently there is no report of leakage of any radioactive material, and please note that these orders are strictly a precautionary measure.
The areas for which these orders apply include parts of Ookuma-machi, Futaba-machi, Tomioka-machi, Naraha-machi, and Hirono-machi.
mp3 file