




shakeforward (アットマーク) gmail.com 又は http://www.mixroots.jp よりご連絡下さい。

Tonight’s Mixed Roots Radio focuses on the Hague Convention for child abduction, which will soon be adopted in Japan. The legal ramifications withstanding, we take a look at both the legal and socio-cultural blackhole that exists in Japan and what the best way forward is for children and parents as the country prepares local law and court modifications.

It is important to recognize both the legal and socio-cultural differences in dealing with family law – parties to the Hague Convention are mostly Western and still a very limited number of Asian countries have signed on, and it is obvious that cultural practices and understanding are contributing to the many incidents that are being perceived as gross ethical and legal violations that are effectively supported by the Japanese government. On the other hand there are not enough data or preparation in Japanese courts (where divorce cases are rarely introduced) to prepare to conform to the guidelines put forth by the convention.

We welcome your comments and inputs to continue this discussion and advocate the best way forward to the Japanese society. Please contact us at the email address below or through our web page.

shakeforward (a) gmail.com or http://www.mixroots.jp