仙台市災害多言語支援センターからお知らせ 3月15日:英語

The following information is with regard to the collection of household garbage on the usual days of the week starting March 15, Tuesday.
Due to the limited amount of gasoline available for garbage collecting vehicles, we ask you to limit the amount of garbage per disposal.
Other types of garbage such as cans, bottles, plastic bottles and waste paper will not be collected as of yet.

■Sites have been set up to collect the dishes and furniture damaged by the disaster.

(1) Operating time of sites will be 9:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. and they will also be available on Saturdays and Sundays.

(2) The venue at which these sites are located are as follows:

For Aoba Ward, the site is located at Seikaen Koen Yakyujo/西花苑公園野球場(せいかえんこうえんやきゅうじょう) (which is also known as Seikaen Park Baseball Stadium), 1 chome, Seikaen, Aoba Ward
For Miyagino Ward:
Tsurugadani Chuo Koen Higashigawa/鶴ケ谷中央公園東側(つるがだにちゅうおうこうえんひがしがわ) (which is also known as Tsurugadani Central Park East Side) , 6 chome, Tsurugadani, Miyagino Ward   
For Wakabayashi Ward:
Imaizumi Yakyujo/今泉野球場(いまいずみやきゅうじょう)(which is also known as Imaizumi Baseball Stadium), Imaizumi Azashishiana, Wakabayashi Ward

For Taihaku Ward:
Nishinakada Koen/西中田公園(にしなかだこうえん) (which is also known as Nishinakada Park), 7 chome, Nishinakada, Taihaku Ward
For Izumi Ward:
Shogen Koen Yakyujo/将監公園野球場(しょうげんこうえんやきゅうじょう) (which is also known as Shougen Park Baseball Staduim), 10 chome, Shogen, Shogen Junior High School North Side
For contact information, please contact to Waste Management Division, Environment Bureau, City of Sendai.
The phone number is 022-214-8226. The assistance is only available in Japanese.

■For telephone information service in foreign languages which are available in English, Chinese, and Korean, they are available at the following number:
022-265-2471 or 022-224-1919





(1) 時間 9:00〜16:30(土日も大丈夫です)

(2) 場所 青葉区(あおばく) :西花苑公園野球場(せいかえんこうえんやきゅうじょう)(青葉区西花苑1丁目)
   若林区(わかばやしく) :今泉野球場(いまいずみやきゅうじょう)(若林区今泉字鹿子穴)

     太白区(たいはくく) :西中田公園(にしなかだこうえん)(太白区西中田7丁目)
     泉区(いずみく)  :将監公園野球場(しょうげんこうえんやきゅうじょう)(将監10丁目 将監中学校北側)

