2010年「まちはイキイキきらめきタイム」3月16日の放送は、番組トップにインドネシアのNGO団体コンバインからのゲストケトゥトゥさんをお迎えしました。自己紹介(Introduce)とそしてインドネシアでのコミュニティの力のつけ方について(the GOALof Combine Resource Institution)お話を聞きました。≪[:右:]続きへ≫詳しいお話は、3月17日(水)JICA兵庫でのシンポジウムでお聞きになることができます。
1. Introduction :
He is Mr.Ketut Sutawijya. He was born in Bali, but grow up in Jogjakarta. Graduate from Gadjah Mada University. Now he works in Combine ResourceInstitution.
2. What is Combine Resource Institution
Combine Resource Institution (CRI) is a local NGO in Jogjakarta. CRI focused on using information and communication for marginal people or communities in Indonesia. CRI believes information and communication is a right to everypeople and CRI also believes communicating knowledge is empowering communities.
CRI uses several ICT equipment to reach the vision, such as community radio broadcaster, community tv broadcaster, resource centre,citizen journalism, disaster preparedness, economic development, open source movement, ICT for microfinance and small medium enterprise, etc.
3. The main activities of CRI:
CRI has several main activities such as Suara Komunitas (information network for campaign and advocation on social, political, and culture sector), Pasar Komunitas (economic development Sector), Lumbung Komunitas (resource centre
for human and natural resource, and knowledge), Tikus Darat (team for emergency response), Kombinasi website and magazine (resource centre for community media in Indonesia), etc
4. Example of the main activity of CRI:
Pasar Komunitas. Pasar Komunitas is information network between hundreds community radio in Indonesia. The purpose of Pasar Komunitas is for economic development and fundraising for community radio. Each of community radio has specific and unique potential and they can make mutual trading or barter.
The principal of our trading is fair and transparency.