“Sound Waves” on March 27th – Special Program featuring the round-table discussion convened by the group “15 years from the Earthquake – The Group for Disseminating Multicultural Community Development to the World”
The English language program “Sound Waves” on March 27th, 2010, broadcast to the world between 8 and 9pm was a special edition featuring the discussion held at a round-table on March 24th on the
theme of the current status of foreigner communities, the aim and necessity of the existence of such communities and issues facing them.
This program was hosted by the Director of “Mixed Roots Kansai”,Edward Sumoto and featured Professor Yamanaka Hayato of the General Policy Studies Department at Kwansei Gakuin University as a commentator.The recording of the program can be accessed on demand from the link below.
座談会は2010年3月24日水曜日に、外国人コミュニティのリーダー3名、NPO法人「関西ブラジル人コミュニティCBK」理事長/松原マリナさん、「NGOベトナムin Kobe」 代表/ハ・ティ・タン・ガさん、「ひょうごラテンコミュニティ」の代表/大城ロクサナさん と、コメンテーターとして、市民団体の中間支援組織、「市民活動センター神戸」事務局長/実吉威さん、司会進行に「多文化共生社会と外国人コミュニティの力」の著者であり、「多言語センターFACIL」理事長の吉富志津代さんにより「震災15年、多文化共生のまちづくりを世界に伝える会」主催で開催されたものです。
The March 24th round-table included three foreigner community leaders: Ms.Marina Matsubara the Director of “the Comunidade Brasileira de Kansai(CBK)“,Ms.Ha Tin Tang Ga the Chief Representative of “NGO Vietnam in Kobe“, and Ms.Roxanna Oshiro the Chief Reprsentative of “the Comunidad Latino de Hyogo“.
We also welcomed Mr.Jitsuyoshi Takeshi, the Coordinator of “the Citizen Activities Center Kobe“, an intermediate support group for citizen
associations, as commentator. The round-table was facilitated by the author of the book “Multiculrual Symbiotic Society and Power of Foreign Residents” and the Director of “Multilingual Center FACIL” Ms.Shizuyo Yoshitomi. This round-table was convened by the group “15 years from the Earthquake – The Group for Disseminating Multicultural Community Development to the World”
By talking about the current status, justification of existence, and issues facing foreigner communities, the round-table became an opportunity to think about the future of the various groups of
foreigners so as to develop them into citizen groups and sustain them into the future, while taking advantage of each leaders’ qualities.
When thinking about the future of Japan in the 21st Century, investigating how communities of foreigners residing in Japan can work together with the local community as citizen groups may be a great impetus for the promotion of innovation and harmony by the generations to come.
Ms. Marina Matsubara the Director of the Comunidade Brasileira de Kansai(CBK)
Ms.Ha Tin Tang Ga the Chief Representative of NGO Vietnam in Kobe
Ms.Roxanna Oshiro the chief Reprsentative of the Comunidad Latino de Hyogo
Mr.Jitsuyoshi Takeshi, the Coordinator of the Citizen Activities Center Kobe
Ms.Shizuyo Yoshitomi. the Director of Multilingual Center FACIL