

Grace has three incurable diseases – one specific to caucasians and another to Asians – but she’s so positive she makes everyone happy! English interview with former Judo U.S. Olympic representative and hafu, Grace Ohashi, who is also the star emcee of the variety show (on NHK ETV) “Baribara”, a show for and by people who are differently abled. She is also an author of an inspiring biography, works at an organization in Osaka assisting independent living for people who are differently abled or have incurable diseases, and has a vibrant love life with her boyfriend, which she talks about in her book. She and others, through their life and the TV programme has helped change people’s view of differently abled people as independent and very capable individuals with wit and humor. ‪#‎mixedrootsradio‬

グレースは福島市出身、日本人の父とアメリカ人の母をもつ3人姉妹の次女。高校3年のころに柔道をするために渡米しオリンピックの代表にも選ばれていたが、多発性硬化症、あわせて重症筋無力症との診断があり断念。現在では「しあわせ難病生活」という本も出版し、自分らしく生きたいと4年前からマンションで「一人暮らし」。24時間ヘルパーの介護を受けながら、恋に仕事に全力投球!発作を起こし、生死の境をさまようこともあるが、ヘルパーに支えられながら、日々を楽しんでいる。そんなグレースの幸せのレシピを探っていきます。 乞うご期待!