This is FMYY

FMYY is collecting donations to support the disaster area in the Philippines hit by the typhoon.
There are islands in the disaster hit region that have no access to information.
However, there is no system in the Philippines to set up disaster radio stations like those set up after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
FMYY in cooperation with fellow World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) partners are supporting the Manila community media NGO Kodao Productions (a member of the Philippine AMARC, by providing ‘suitcase radio stations’ so that it can set up information broadcasting facilities.
Donations received will be used to provide Kodao with suitcase radio stations. A suitcase radio station set, including an antenna, costs between 80,000 and 100, 000 yen. And to dispatch a set together with a generator and fuel from Manila, the cost per set is between 130,000 and 150,000 yen. We would like to have 10 of these suitcase radio stations set up.
We will also distribute radios to people in the disaster hit areas for them to listen broadcasts.
[Where and how to send remittances for Philippine Typhoon Disaster Relief]
Send to the following postal transfer account
Account Number: 00970-8-259303
Account Holder’s Name: Tokutei Hieiri Katsudo Hojin FMYY
Please write “Philippine Typhoon Support” in the message column (tsushin ran)
A maximum of 10% of the total of donations will be used for office expenses.