
Global Eco Talk Show @ FMYY radio


Guest of the Show: Mrs Hajiya Shifa Garba.

Welcome to the global eco-talk show today. This show is held in Kobe Japan.  Our topic for this month is about providing skill acquisition to women, youths and children in Nigeria.  Our SWACIA team discovered that Hajiya Shifa Garba, who is the founder of Initiative for Peace, Justice and Sustainability, has been doing well in providing skills acquisitions for women, youths and children in Nigeria.
Today is November 5th, I, Hideko Nagashima will lead this show.
グローバル・エコ・トークショーにようこそ! このショーは神戸より放送されています。今月のテーマは、ナイジェリアにおける女性・若者・子供の職業訓練です。
私達SWACIAチームは、ナイジェリアで「シファ・ガルバ」という女性に出会いました。シファさんは『Initiative for Peace, Justice and Sustainability』という団体の創設者であり、ナイジェリアで女性・若者・子供を対象とした職業訓練を実施されています。

Our guest today is Mrs. Shifa Garba. She is the founder of Initiative for Peace, Justice and Sustainability .She has been the one organizing, providing skill acquisitions and empowering women, youths and children to be economically independent. And I will call Mrs. Hideko Nagashima in the Nigeria chapter now, and she is going to introduce Mrs. Shifa Garba to us.
本日のゲストは「ハジア・シファ・ガルバ」さんです。『Initiative for Peace, Justice and Sustainability』という団体の創設者です。女性・若者・子供の経済的自立を目指し、団体を立ち上げ、技術習得やエンパワメントを実施されてきました。これからナイジェリア現地の長嶋さんに連絡を取りまして、ハジア・シファ・ガルバさんを紹介して頂きたいと思います。

ハジアさんのお名前は実は尊称でイスラム教徒で聖地メッカへの巡礼(ハッジ Hajj という)を終えた人々への敬意を示します。女性形はハジア(HajjahまたはHajiya)で例えばシファ・ガルバさんがハッジを終えると、ハジア・シッファ・ガルバと呼ばれるようになる。さて、ハジア・シッファ・ガルバさんとお会いしたのは友人の紹介でしたが、アブジャのはずれにあるトゥンガン・ビジリニ川のあるブワリ地区とカガルコ地区の境には何の交通機関もない村の奥まで連れて行っていただきました。ご本人は通常一人で熱心に支援に行く方で、誰に頼まれないで車に水や食料を積みこんでおられました。ボコハラムの被害にあった女性たちが粗末な草で作った雑草の家が点々とありました。NGOを設立してすでに12年目でいくつもの賞をいただいておられます。

1.First of all, can you tell us about yourself?

My name is Shifa Garba. I trained as a Lawyer in Nigeria and the United States, I worked in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation as a Legal Adviser before retiring twelve years ago to be fully and actively involved in Community Development Initiatives across Nigeria and the neighbouring Countries: The Republic of Niger and Chad.
私はシファ・ガルバといいます。ナイジェリアとアメリカで弁護士の訓練を積みました。『Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation』という会社の法律顧問として働いていましたが、12年前にその仕事を辞めました。というのは、ニジェールとチャド共和国に関わる団体である『Community Development Initiatives across Nigeria and the Neighboring Countries』という所で十分に活動をしたかったからです。
2. How did you start your own Organization?

I started the first Organization in the year 2004 in response to the global challenge of youth unruly behavior and bad peer group influence on Muslim male youth. Nigeria experienced lots of social unrest in the Northern part especially in Kano, Kaduna, Plateau and Jigawa States.

These unrests encouraged extermination of Muslims that were from the North Central, and South Western geographical regions as well as non-Muslims from every geo-political zones. A month – long conference was held to address the issue of terrorism with presenters from home and abroad. That first Non-Governmental Organization was registered under the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission as ZAYMAR ISLAMIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION CENTRE.
そのような不安によって、北央部と南西部といった地域からは、イスラム教徒もそうでない人も居なくなってしまいました。一ヶ月にわたる会談が開かれ、そのテーマはテロリズムでした。この最初のNGOは、「Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission」のもと、『ZAYMAR ISLAMIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION CENTRE』として登記されました。

Other Organizations were later registered to address other issues of women, youth and children. These organizations are:
i.Network for Moral Growth and Ethics
ii.An-Nisa Global Forum
iii.Initiative for Peace, Justice and Sustainability
①「Network for Moral Growth and Ethics」
②「An-Nisa Global Forum」
③「Initiative for Peace, Justice and Sustainability」
3. In what areas have you worked on the life of Women, Youths, and Children in the past?

My Organization has worked in the areas of Moral Growth and Ethics to emulate the Japanese Ethical Values, norms and standard even in these times of globalization. I was inspired by my experience in year 2003 in Japan, where respect for fellow human being, law and order are naturally well-assumed. This quality forms very solid family bedrock upon which the entire society is built.

Our Organization also places emphasis on education especially for girls which is grossly deficient in Northern Nigeria.
With high illiteracy level, girls are married off at very tender ages not minding the health implication, economic loss and ignorance. Extra-moral lessons at weekends are arranged for village children in Arithmetic, English Language and Health. Funds are raised to build and equip school structures, water boreholes to eliminate using water from same river sources as animals. Cottage farms are built to improve nutrition and food self-sufficiency level while monthly medical caravan for rural areas address common health issues like cough, malaria fever are also collected from cities for distribution at the rural areas.
%ef%bd%89%ef%bd%84%ef%bd%90%e3%82%ad%e3%83%a3%e3%83%b3%e3%83%97%e3%82%a2%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b1%e3%83%bc%e3%83%88%e8%aa%bf%e6%9f%bb%e3%81%ae%e6%a7%98%e5%ad%90%ef%bc%94Rural electricity and graded road projects are also embarked upon to improve accessibility to market centers and food preservation.
Skill acquisition and economic empowerment programmes across various states have also boost the economic self-reliance of beneficiaries. Regular seminars and conferences on contemporary issues also address the need for reform and growth.
4. What strategies have you been using to reach out to so many women, youth and children?

Compassion, deep concern for their plights, caring and sharing with them, occasional visits and revisits to ensure that they have a say as well as develop a “Can-do-it” determination towards achievements in life. Getting them involved at every stage of any proposal and project by asking for their views while letting them know the possible outcomes way ahead of realization. Peer group activities that cut across every sphere of growth and self-development are always encouraged and implemented.
5. What are your best experiences running a non-profit organization that you would like to share with our listeners?
NGOとして活動してこられたなかで、今 ラジオショーを聴いている人にも知ってほしい素晴らしい体験があれば、お聞かせください。

Selfless devotion to a mission and show of concern for the plight of the poor and the needy translate to problems almost fully solved without the physical field work.
Commitment of personal resources to support helpless children, youth and women becomes inevitable in building the various communities.

While some beneficiaries appreciate support for their self-reliance others take it for granted. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the outset who constitute these different groups.
Steady source of funding makes goals easily and quickly achievable.
6. In your experiences what was the most difficult part of your job?

i.Accessing difficult and virtually not motor able terrains to reach the poor and needy peoples.
ii.School retention for girl child who has already bought into the tradition of early marriage and coming from a family background that regards education as mere recreation. These very young brides are subjected to lots of hardship by their husbands.
iii.Getting sufficient potable water for an improved healthy living condition.
iv.Getting rural inhabitants interested in the democratic process to have a voice of their own and rise in their chosen career and in turn help their communities while serving as role models.
v.Not having stable or steady sources of funding to reach out to rural dwellers in timely manner to improve their living condition and standard.
① 車やオートバイがいけない場所にいる貧しい人々のもとに行くこと。
② 伝統的に幼い頃に結婚させられてしまった女の子の通学を継続すること。その女の子の家族は教育を軽んじていました。このようなとても幼い女の子は、夫から多大な困難を課せられてしまうものです。
③ 健康状態の改善のために、運搬可能な水を十分に確保すること。
⑤ 生活水準の改善のために、田舎に住む人々に届けられるような安定した財源を持てなかったこと。
7. How do you organize such event as skill acquisition training?

First and foremost, the target beneficiaries need to express interest in their selected skills to know what to seek economic empowerment support for. With the limited resources, different categories of potential beneficiaries will be identified. There are those who have already acquired skills but are idle because they lack equipment to work. There are those that need to upgrade their skills and get freshly equipped to meet up with modern technology like shifting from the use of typewriter to computer and other information technology devices, or even barbing kit, grilling equipment and welding machines.
The third category are those to be freshly trained while the last category are the untrainable beneficiaries who are seasonally engaged to support the skilled. Most times, one has to partner with skill acquisition centres where training facilities are more elaborate, so that a large number of beneficiaries can be trained within a short period in various skills.

8. What other effort are you making to help more people in the society?

The plight of the internally displaced people (IDPs) from the zones affected by acts of terrorism is not amenable to a quick fix. More equipped school structures are required to ensure that all the children, irrespective of ages are not jam-packed in one over populated class room virtually playing rather than learning. Instruction materials are also required to improve learning methodology as well as to gradually erase horrific memories of acts of terrorism from the children.

Providing storage and preservation value-chain facilities in farm centres will ensure food availability and more economic gains. There is also the need to provide accessible roads, electricity, water, medical care centres, for the Communities as well as accommodation for teachers in rural areas for regular presence, commitment and retention.
Seasonal schooling only during the dry season leave children idle during the raining season because teachers cannot access swampy roads to schools and there are not school structure in places. The children learn under tree shades and shackle tents, where tree trunks are cut to use as school benches.

Thank you very much, Mrs. Shifa! We had a very nice time.
It is almost the time to end the show. Thank you for joining us today.

We hope that your (Mrs. Shifa) helping hand will proper more and more so as to give an impact to change life of women, youths and children in Nigeria by proving them with skill acquisitions.
Not only in Nigeria we SWACIA have strived for safety and happiness of women and children all over the world and in helping women ,youths and children to acquire skill acquisitions.
Thank you for coming to the show today Hajiya Shifa and for telling us about skill acquisition training for women, youths and children in Nigeria and also empowering them.
We thank you everyone for listening to the Global Eco Talk Show.
The next time will be on December 3rd:
See you next time. Stay tuned!