今月からSOUND WAVESに超注目の番組が登場♪

Please listen at FMYY, every the 4th Sat.night from 8:00 to 9:00!



The Mixed Roots Radio:
“Mixed Roots” refers to individuals such as biracial/cultural, zainichi, and other people of various roots. The host is director of the group “MixRoots Kansai” which operates in Japan as a group that supports social dialogue and self-expression by and for mixed roots individuals. Each programme will have a featured interview, with guests ranging from academicians and researchers to musicians and artists, international organizations and local government staff to talk about personal experiences or legal issues in relation to mixed roots individuals and communities in Japan and around the world. Music by mixed roots artists will also be introduced throughout the show.

To find out more about MixRoots Kansai: http://www.mixroots.jp

El Radio “MixRoots”:
“Mixed Roots” significa “Raizes Mezcladas” o gente con varios raizes. El DJ de la programmacion es el lidre del grupo “MixRoots Kansai”, organizada por los individuos y comunidades “Mixed Roots” en Japon para el dialogo social y el respecto y expresion de sus raizes por arte y dialogo. Cada programacion tiene una entrevista con investigadores, politicos, artistas, y otra gente relacionada con el tema de “Mixed Roots” y nuestra sociedad. Tambien introducimos musica de los artistas “Mixed Roots”. La programmacion es en Japones pero vamos a tener los transcripciones en espanol en el pagina web.

Para obtener mas informacion sobre MixRoots Kansai: http://www.mixroots.jp