長田区南地域の2010年7月15日の大雨による床上、床下浸水状況/ the15th July 2010 Nagata Flood disaster notice

In the evening of July 15, 2010, the southern area of Nagata Ward was hit by flooding which reached above and below floor level.Shopping streets and private houses, etc. in Komagabayashi-cho, Shoda-cho and Futaba-cho were under 60cm of water in the worst hit places due to heavy rain that fell in the evening which overloaded the rainage system. Many elderly people who live alone as well as Vietnamese people live in the area, and many of these people may need help in recovering from the disaster. Minsei-in (local social workers), people from the handicapped people’s support center and Nagata Volunteer Center, etc are visiting victims to obtain information on the conditions they are in. If a request is made, we would like everyone to be willing to help.
★ Advice for victims of the disaster
Take photographs of the damage caused by the disaster. Telephone the Shimin-ka (Citizens’ Service Division) of Nagata Ward Office (Tel: 078-579-2311). Request a survey of the damage caused by the flooding and ask to be issued a Risai Shomeisho (disaster victim certificate)When reporting the damage to your insurance company, and/or the Hyogo-ken Kyodo Bokin-kai Kinkyu-haibunshikin Haibunkin a Risai Shomeisho is required.