150509_Soundwaves 担当はサイモンとゼイジィ、再放送は15日の金曜日 

オーストラリア出身のSimonとのZeidyは「Differences in attitude toward crimes between Japan and Australia」(日本とオーストラリアの犯罪に対する姿勢の違い)について語りました。

SOUNDWAVES is a radio program in English. We broadcasted it on Saturday, May 9th, from 8 p.m.
The hosts on this day were Simon and Zeidy from Australia. They talked about Differences in attitude toward crimes between Japan and Australia. They discussed underage drinking, drunk driving, and sexual crimes in both Japan and Australia.
We will rebroadcast this program on it on Friday, May 15th, from 7 p.m. to 8p.m.