今月のアレックの「SOUNDWAVES」は、現代における邦楽に関するものです。先月のゲストVito Lamanna をもう一度スタジオに招き、尺八について話します。先月の放送と違って、今月尺八と共に、ギター、ピアノ、打楽器、インドの楽器などなどの種を紹介します。それに加えて、Vitoは尺八の特徴について判りやすく説明してくれます。それでは、聞いて下さい。[:音符:]
This month I will continue my discussion with Vito Lamanna as we talk about the shakuhachi in contemporary music. In this broadcast we will introduce music combining the shakuhachi with the guitar, piano, percussion, and even Indian music. In addition, I will also interview Vito about his thoughts on the shakuhachi as he explains to us what he feels is so interesting about the instrument.[:音符:]
Please listen at FMYY, every the 4th Sat.night from 8:00 to 9:00!
In March’s broadcast I continued the discussion on Japanese religion by reviewing the word “Shinbutsu Shugo” and also talking about the understanding of Japanese “Mushukyo”. I explained that because the definitions distinguishing Buddhism and Shinto from each other are vague in comparison with Western religions understanding what is meant by “being religious” and “being not religious” if difficult to define. I mentioned how religion is thought as something “suspect”, “scary” in Japan, and something that limits self-expression. Although I did not talk much about why Japanese think religion is scary, I mentioned briefly that this is probably associated with the Emperor system and State Shinto during the Meiji Era. Despite me not talking about Japanese religion in the next few broadcasts, I would like to return to the topic of “Mushukyo” and the emperor if the opportunity presents itself.