「Sound Waves」カテゴリーアーカイブ



Shake Forward 2009 TOKYOさらに、Shake Forward! 2009 東京(渋谷O-East 11/13)の耳寄り情報!チケット2枚差し上げます!MTV Awards 2009のベストニュージーランドグループに輝いたNesian Mystikも参戦!心地よい、マオリ、クック諸島、サモア、トンガの風とサウンドをミックスしたR&Bをお楽しみに!

最後に、明日は名古屋の南山短期大学の文化祭でShake Foward!のメンバーのMC Beto, Genez, MC J-Namがミニライブを行います!ミックスルーツ関西代表の須本エドワードも同行してミニトークイベントを開催します!

パレスチナの声を聴こう!再放送 a special program in Japanese, “Kokusai Shakai no Ichiyoku to shite, Palestina no Koe wo Kiko”.


タイトル:10/17(土) 20:00~ 特別番組「国際社会の一翼として、パレスチナの声を聴こう!」再放送のお知らせ(インターネットで聴けます)

Good evening everyone. Today, Sound Waves is bringing you a special program in Japanese, “Kokusai Shakai no ichiyoku to shite, Palestina no Koe wo Kiko”.
The content of the program is an interview, translated into Japanese, with Fati Kudilat whose activities are based in the West Bank of the Jordan.
○再放送日時:2009年10月17日(土) 20時00分~20時30分 BroadcastingDate 17thOctober on Sat.2009 20:00~21:00
○ラジオで聞く場合:77.8 MHz (神戸市長田区近辺)

続きを読む パレスチナの声を聴こう!再放送 a special program in Japanese, “Kokusai Shakai no Ichiyoku to shite, Palestina no Koe wo Kiko”.






今日のSound Waves


The Secret
Sound Waves – June 13, 2009

A good friend introduced a book a few months ago, probably over a year ago. The title is THE SECRET. He had mentioned he had referred to it many times because it offered good advice on how to live happily.

Because he had mentioned it so often and spoke so highly of it, I decided to buy it. There is also an unabridged CD version and a DVD of THE SECRET.

続きを読む 今日のSound Waves

本日のSound Waves

SOUND WAVESMay 9th 2009 
Presented by: Bernard Farrell
In this program I started off by talking about
the wamer weather
encouraging people to do outdoor sports
like jogging and cycling.
The number of people riding sports bikes seems
to have increased recently,
showing a growing popularity in the sport.
I advised riders and joggers to make sure
they get enough liquids
when going for long rides or runs
and to protect themselves
from the strong UV rays.
After the first song by Sinead O’Connor,
I gave an announcement from Kobe City
on consultation offices
for the ‘new-type influenza virus’
(swine flu)
with a list of consultation offices
and their telephone numbers.

続きを読む 本日のSound Waves