KOBE Bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT vol.17 in ENGLISH

This time, our discussion on 1 topic will be aired in 2 consecutive months.

The first half is to be aired on the first and second Saturdays in November (3rd and 10th), and the latter half on the same days in December (1st and 8th) from 4pm in Japanese and from 4:30 in English, each for 30 mins.

Our topic is “Africa Today,” and our personalities discuss about various things surrounding contemporary Africa with several guests interested in Africa.
We’d be delighted if this could serve as an opportunity to get more Japanese people interested in Africa, which is not very familiar to many of us in our everyday lives, if only a little.
You could refer to the written material prepared by Prof. Nsenda herewith attached.
You are with our regular personalities, Ms. Funayama (In charge of KIC’s project in Rwanda. Having worked in multiple African countries) and Prof. Nsenda (Architect originally from Democratic Republic of Congo and graduated from Osaka university graduate school).
Last not but least, we invite our listeners to offer messages.
We’d be grateful if you could share your thoughts or opinions about our programs to FMYY.

Prof.Nsenda is hosting 「AFRICA meets KANSAI」http://afrikameetskansai.org/

KOBE bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT 第17回 日本語

今回は日本語バージョンは、2ヶ月連続の内容として放送します。 前半は、11月3日の第1週土曜日と10日の第2土曜日、そして後半は12月1日の第1週土曜日と8日の第2土曜日の4時~4時半日本語で、4時半から5時は英語で放送します。
パーソナリティは、神戸情報大学院大学の船山・プロジェクトマネージャー(左側:草の根事業担当。アフリカなどの国々でNGO活動等に参加)とセンダ先生(右側:コンゴ出身 大阪大学大学院を卒業、建築家)です。

この放送について、感想でも、ご意見でも、是非 FMわいわいへお送りいただければと思います。

KOBE Briding JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT vol.16 in ENGLISH

On the first and second Saturdays (6th and 13th October) from 4pm to 4:30 in Japanese and from 4:30 to 5pm in English, KIC students from Africa share their stories about what has surprised them once in Kobe, Japan, what they have found out through their life there, and other things they found intriguing and mind-blowing in Kobe or in Japan in general.

On October program, they are talking about Typhoon in September.And, besides their research at the graduate school, they are talking about what they want to take to home country from Japan.
In this month, our guest students from KIC are Mr. OYELEKE AKEEM IDOWU (on the right of the photo) from Federal Republic of Nigeria and Mr. NDUWAYEZU GABRIEL (on the left of the photo) from Republic of Rwanda.
They are with our regular personalities, Ms. Funayama (Left photo: Having worked in multiple African countries) and Prof. Nsenda (Architect originally from Democratic Republic of Congo and graduated from Kyoto university graduate school).

As usual we go to a local restaurant nearby FMYY.

KOBE Briding JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT 第16回 日本語


今月のアフリカからの留学生は、写真の左の方がルワンダ共和国からのガブリエル(NDUWAYEZU GABRIEL)、そして左の方がナイジェリア連邦共和国からのアキームさん(OYELEKE AKEEM IDOWU)です。


パーソナリティは、神戸情報大学院大学の船山・プロジェクトマネージャー(左側:アフリカなどの国々でNGO活動等に参加)とセンダ先生(右側:コンゴ出身 大阪大学大学院を卒業、建築家)です。収録のあとは、いつものように地域の食堂で交流を行いました。


Mr. Israel Nishimwe and Mr. James Ndekezi, both high school students then, participated in the 6-month training program from October 2017 to March 2018, which was provided under KIC’s ICT human resource development project in Rwanda.

During the training course, the two youngsters produced a “smart table” that can charge such devices like smart phones or laptops, or turn on a light when those are put on the table, using wireless electricity technology. This voice message about their project was recorded soon after they embarked on the training course. They tell us that the smart table is a cheap method to make people’s lives more convenient.

Moreover, the wireless electricity technology that they used can also prevent electric shock accidents when applied to a wider range of things, and if combined with solar power generating system, it can also lessen the burden on the environment, they say. They confidently concluded the interview by saying “the future will be better than the past.”


今月の「KOBE BRIDGING JAPAN & ARRICA through ICT」は初心に戻り、2017年7月に開始した時のこの番組制作の意図を最初に再放送でお送りし、その後は2017年10月から2018年まで実際に現地でICT人材育成事業の元研修を受けた二人の声をお届けします。

