「Sound Library “Kobe Bridging Africa and Japan”」カテゴリーアーカイブ

KOBE bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT 第22回 日本語




センダ先生(右側:コンゴ出身 大阪大学大学院を卒業、建築家)です。



ルワンダ共和国 (在日本ルワンダ共和国 大使館)

独立行政法人 国際協力機構(JICA)


神戸市とルワンダ・キガリ市の経済・交流連携協定 締結

KOBE bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT vol.21 in ENGLISH

This program “KOBE bridging AFRICA through ICT is broadcasting on the first and second Saturdays (6th and 13th October) from 4pm to 4:30 in Japanese and from 4:30 to 5pm in English. KIC students from Africa share their stories about what has surprised them once in Kobe, Japan, what they have found out through their life there, and other things they found intriguing and mind-blowing in Kobe or in Japan in general.

Senda sensei (right side : Graduated from Osaka graduate school of Osaka graduate, architect)is main Personality.

Co-Personality is Funayama,she is Project Manager of Kobe Information Graduate School University ( side: Participating in NGO activities etc. in Africa etc.)

Today’s guest is Mr. Hasen Keder Edris who works as an African Liaison officer at Kobe City Hall.
He graduated from KIC two years ago and is probably working as the first local citizen of African nationality in Japan.
He also mentions his experience of working at the Kobe City Hall so far. He also talks about what Kobe City is expecting in the future regarding human resource development projects in Rwanda.

As usual we went to the restaurant for discuss various things.Today restaurant Italian cafe neaby FMYY.

KOBE bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT 第21回 日本語

4月6日の第1週土曜日と13日の第2土曜日の4時~4時半日本語で、4時半から5時は英語で、神戸情報大学院大学(略称 KIC)のアフリカからの学生たちが、日本・神戸に住んでみて気づいたことやアフリカの自分の国のことを紹介しています。

パーソナリティは、神戸情報大学院大学の船山・プロジェクトマネージャー(左端:アフリカなどの国々でNGO活動等に参加)とセンダ先生(右端:コンゴ出身 大阪大学大学院を卒業、建築家)です。

今日のゲストは、KICを2年前に卒業し、その後 神戸市役所の職員としてアフリカ リエゾンオフィサーの役職で、アフリカと神戸を繋ぐ仕事をしている、エチオピア出身のハサン エドリス氏です。

ルワンダ共和国 (在日本ルワンダ共和国 大使館)
エチオピア連邦民主共和國 (在日本エチオピア連邦民主共和国 大使館)

ICTで課題解決できる高度な人材を育成 – 神戸情報大学院大学

神戸市とルワンダ・キガリ市の経済・交流連携協定 締結


KOBE bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT vol.20 in ENGLISH

On the first and second Saturdays (2nd and 9th February) from 4pm to 4:30 in Japanese and from 4:30 to 5pm in English, KIC students from Africa share their stories about what has surprised them once in Kobe, Japan, what they have found out through their life there, and other things they found intriguing and mind-blowing in Kobe or in Japan in general.

They are with our regular personalities, Ms. Funayama (Left photo: Having worked in multiple African countries) and Prof. Nsenda (Architect originally from Democratic Republic of Congo and graduated from Osaka university graduate school).

In this month, our guest students from KIC are Mr. ADEN,Ashraf Mohamed (on the right of the photo) from Republic of Djibouti and Mr. KABALISA, Eric (on the left of the photo) from Republic of Rwanda.

They talk about the reasons why they chose Japan for their study abroad.
Moreover, they talk hotly about the impression before actually arriving in Japan and the impression after coming.
Especially, the story about ninja and toilets is interesting.

Japan (Official guide)
Kobe city in Japan
Graduate School of Information Technology Kobe Institute of Computing

As usual we go to a local restaurant neaby FMYY.Today is Indian restaurant,Nagata ward is

KOBE bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT 第20回 日本語


パーソナリティは、神戸情報大学院大学の船山・プロジェクトマネージャー(左側:アフリカなどの国々でNGO活動等に参加)とセンダ先生(右側:コンゴ出身 大阪大学大学院を卒業、建築家)です。

今月のアフリカからの留学生は、写真の左がルワンダ共和国からのエリック(KABALISA, Eric)さん、そして右がジプチ共和国からのアシュラフさん(ADEN,Ashraf Mohamed)さんです。 二人は、修士2年生ですので、日本に来て既に1年と5ヶ月が過ぎています。



ルワンダ共和国 (在日本ルワンダ共和国 大使館)

ジプチ共和国(在日本ジプチ共和国 大使館)



ICTで課題解決できる高度な人材を育成 – 神戸情報大学院大学

神戸市とルワンダ・キガリ市の経済・交流連携協定 締結

A happy new year 2019 greeting from FMYY program “KOBE bridging Japan & Africa through ICT” vol.19 in ENGLISH

On the first and second Saturdays from 4pm to 4:30 in Japanese and from 4:30 to 5pm in English, KIC students from Africa share their stories about what has surprised them once in Kobe, Japan, what they have found out through their life there, and other things they found intriguing and mind-blowing in Kobe or in Japan in general.
The first broadcast in 2019 starts with two people, the main personality.
Personality is Funayama Project Manager of Kobe Information Graduate School University (left side: Participating in NGO activities etc. in Africa etc.) and Senda sensei (right side: Graduated from Osaka graduate school of Osaka graduate, architect)

This time’s broadcast started from the story of the earthquaqe in Hanshin-Awaji, looking back at the time.

They are looking back on the disaster, and talking about what they were doing at that time.

And Professor NSENDA talks about the event “Africa meets Kansai” sponsored for many years, continuing in Kansai and Kobe due to the experiences of the earthquake disaster.

Finally, they are reporting on the situation of human resource development project in Rwanda and efforts of this New Year.

Japan (Official guide)

Kobe city in Japan

Graduate School of Information Technology Kobe Institute of Computing