People who are struggling to pay rent due to unemployment or reduction in work because of COVID-19 can receive housing security benefits.
Housing security benefitsare when the local government where you live pay 3 months of rent for you.
This also applies to Non-Japanese nationals.
Up until now these benefits were available to those ‘seeking new employment’.
From April 30th, these benefits will be available to certain people even if they are not ‘seeking new employment’.
People who have not lost their jobs but whoseincome has been reduced, people who have been made unemployed can receive housing security benefits,even ifthey are not seeking employment.
You can ask about this at your local “self-reliance consultation support service”. If you do not know where this is, you can ask at your local ward office.
(やさしい日本語ニュース/withhnews・朝日新聞 2020年4月29日)
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