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The tidal wave warning has been canceled.
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해일 경보가 해제되었습니다.
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Đã hủy tin cảnh báo có sóng thần.
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Cancelada a alerta de maremoto.
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Se canceló la alarma de ola gigantesca “tsunami”.
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「すぐに帰国するのは難しいです。」 MP3ファイル

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Difficulty retuning to one’s home country

Although you may want to return to your home country, the breakdown in the transport system and other factors make this very difficult. You should consider trying to rest for a while, then think about returning home. You may be worried about the expiration of your passport, status of stay in Japan, etc., but don’t worry. You will not be forcibly expatriated. Please wait for a while.
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Dù các bạn có muốn về n˝ớc nhanh nh˝ng vì hệ thống giao thông đang bị tê liệt nên khó có thể thực hiện ˝ợc điều đó. Mong các bạn hãy nghỉ ngıi một thời gian rồi hãy nghĩ đến chuyện về n˝ớc. Có thể các bạn sẽ lo lắng vì vấn đề hộ chiếu, thời gian cho phép luu trú,hay gia hạn giấy tái nhập cảnh nh˝ng xin q˙y vị hãy an tâm vì chắc chăn chính phủ sẽ không trục xuất một ai.
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Mismo que quiera regresar al su pais, es difícil debido a paralizacion del sistema de transporte. Descanse por algun tiempo y despues piense en su regreso. No se preocupe con relacion a pasaporte, visas(tiempo de permanencia) y reentrada en Japón. No hay peligro de deportacion.
Espere hasta que la situacion se establesca.
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귀국하고 싶으시더라도 교통이 마비된 상황이기 때문에 지금 당장의 귀국은 어렵습니다. 당분간 휴식을 취한 후에 귀국에 대해 생각합시다. 여권이나 체류기간, 재입국허가 등에 대한 걱정하실 수 있습니다만 괜찮습니다. 강제추방도 없습니다. 기다려 주시기 바랍니다.
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スペイン語による地震の状況説明とFMわぃわぃの活動レポート  MP3ファイル

Este es reporte sobre el terremoto y las actividades de FM YY(Wai Wai) en Español. Utilizen para los hispanohablantes

reporte sobre el teremoto en Japon de fmyy.mp3


12時~16時 震災関連の多言語情報
16時~アトピーのリズム 通常通り
16時30分~17時 震災関連の多言語情報
17時~大震災を語り継ぐ 通常通り
17時30分 ラジネットひょうご通常通り
17時45分 聴いてよ子どもの気持ち通常通り
19時~21時 ヨボセヨ通常通り
21時~24時 震災関連の多言語情報

English Language Programming on the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake (March 12th, 2011)  MP3ファイル

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Here on Soundwaves we have changed our regularly scheduled programming this week due to the occurrence of the tragic and as of yet, still developing situation caused by the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake (also known as the Sendai Earthquake) and the resulting tsunami disaster.

As most of our listeners are aware, FMYY is located in Kobe in the Kansai region of Japan, which is a great distance from the disaster affected area. For this reason, most of our information on the actual situation and scope of destruction caused in the Tohoku region is still limited to what we have learned from the major domestic media outlets in Japan.

On today’s show we send out our heartfelt prayers to those in the disaster affected areas as well as those currently involved in the ongoing relief efforts, and we discuss such things as: the methods of communication currently available with residents in the disaster affected areas, the effects of the disaster outside the immediately affected area (such as in the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan area), messages of support we have received in Japan from friends and colleagues abroad, our reactions to the reported explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and reports on the establishment of two or three emergency community radio broadcasting stations inside the disaster affected areas to provide much needed multilingual disaster related information.

Here at FMYY we ask that you please join us in our efforts to provide the people in the disaster affected areas with vital disaster related information in as many languages as possible. We also ask you to send any messages of support (irrespective of language) and we will make every effort to relay these messages directly to the disaster victims by working together with our network of community broadcasters here in Japan.


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Although we understand that all of you are facing many difficulties, we ask that you try your best to cooperate with each other. Please know that the Japanese government and municipalities are making every effort to further the recovery process.
Please be informed that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has notified all medical institutions nationwide to administer medical examinations and medical treatment to earthquake disaster victims, as long as they provide information, such as their name and address, regardless of whether or not they are able to show their medical insurance card. Please note that such examinations and treatment will be covered by medical insurance. For this reason, please do not hesitate to go to a medical institution to receive an examination.
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Sabemos que están pasando momentos difíciles, pero tratemos de enfrentar esta situación uniendo fuerzas entre amigos y vecinos. El gobierno nacional y municipal están trabajando a toda fuerza para la restauración.
El Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social de Japón ha anunciado a las instituciones médicas, que las personas damnificadas por el terremoto del noreste de Japón podrán recibir asistencia y tratamiento médico aunque no presenten la tarjeta de seguro de salud (hokensho); sólo bastará con informar su nombre y dirección y será aplicando el seguro. Por lo tanto, podrán recibir asistencia médica con tranquilidad.
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