There is a Job Seeker Support System (kyusyokusya shien seido) in Japan!

The “Job Seeker Support System” is a system in which the national government helps those who cannot receive Unemployment Insurance (koyo hoken) to find employment quickly.


*Please contact the Hello Work office in your town of residence for more details.

●Requirements to be eligible for the Job Seeker Support System
All of the following (1 through 4)
1. You have completed the job application procedure at Hello Work.
2. You are not enrolled in unemployment insurance or not receiving unemployment benefits
(shitsugyo kyufu).
3. You have the will and capacity to work
4. You are recognized by Hello Work that you need support
Ex. Those who cannot receive unemployment insurance.
Those who once received unemployment insurance but was not able to find new employment.
Those who were self-employed, and lost his/her business.
Those who graduated from school without finding employment.


● About “Skills Training”

“Basic Course” → You can learn basic job skills in a short period of time.
“Practical Course” → You can learn the skills needed for the job you want to have.

⮚ Training Period: Two to six months per course.
⮚ Please check the website of Hello Work for specifics.

●Skills Training Participation Benefits

[Benefits to be provided]
100,000 yen per month,
Money to commute to the place of training,
Money for a place to live, *
*If you need to change your place to live for the skills training, and Hello Work recognizes that you need to do so.

<Requirements to be eligible for Skills Training Participation Benefits>
1. Your monthly income is 80,000 yen or less.
2. Your family’s monthly income is 250,000 yen or less.
3. The total financial assets (such as savings) of your family is 3 million yen or less.
4. You don’t own a house or land besides the place you are currently living.
5. You attend all of the training sessions.
6. No one in your family is receiving the same benefits.
7. You have not received any benefit by mistake or by cheating within the past three years.

*You must go to Hello Work to consult about jobs (job consultations) during and after you have completed the training.

You can borrow money if you cannot make a living with the Skills Training Participation Benefits. (You will have to pay it back in the future.)
Please contact Hello Work for details.


● Steps to take
Steps to receive Skills Training
1. Take the job application procedure at a Hello Work office in your place of residence.
Tell Hello Work that you want to make use of the Job Seeker Support System.
2. Choose a skills training course at Hello Work.
3. Apply for the training at Hello Work.
4. Submit an application to the institution that provides the training.
5. Take an entrance exam of the institution that provides the training (paper test, interview, etc.)
Ask Hello Work about the paper test, interview etc. and prepare for them.
6. If you receive an acceptance notification, receive a “Job Placement Assistance Plan” from Hello Work.
7. Attend the training.
Go to Hello Work on the appointed days for job consultations.


Steps to receive the Skills Training Participation Benefits
1. Tell Hello Work that you want to receive the benefits.
2. Receive documents and forms necessary for the pre-screening to receive the benefits. (♦)
3. Fill out and submit the documents for the prescreening. (♠)
4. Receive the result of pre-screening, then the application documents.
5. Apply for the benefits at the time of job consultation at Hello Work.

Please note that you will not be able to receive Skills Training Participation Benefits if

*you failed to go to Hello Work on the appointed day.
*you failed to attend the training sessions/arrive late /leave early (even once).
(You need to present a certificate if the above happens for inevitable reasons. Please consult with the person in charge.)


(♠)Documents and forms necessary for the pre-screening of the Skills Training Participation Benefits

・Documents that show your individual number (e.g., My Number (individual number) card)
・Residence (zairyu) card,
・Form given by Hello Work,  (♦)
Other required documents (Please ask Hello Work for details.)


● Contact

Hello Work office of the place you live
Hello Work offices with interpreters (As of May 2020)




  • 英語・スペイン語の通訳者を募集中です。
  • プロの通訳レベルでなくてもOK!
  • 神戸~大阪でのお仕事が中心です。







<References and Sources>


アラビア語 インドネシア語 英語
韓国語 スペイン語 タイ語
タガログ語 中国語 日本
ネパール語 ビルマ語 フランス語
ベトナム語 ペルシア語 ポルトガル語
マレー語 モンゴル語 ロシア語