
マイノリティからの発信。español, Tiếng Việt, Tagalog, 한국 조선어

KOBE bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT vol.9 in ENGLISH

On the first and second Saturdays (3rd and 10th March) from 4pm to 4:30 in Japanese and from 4:30 to 5pm in English, KIC students from Africa share their stories about what has surprised them once in Kobe, Japan, what they have found out through their life there, and other things they found intriguing and mind-blowing in Kobe or in Japan in general.


In this month, our guest students from KIC are Mr. BAZIRAMWABO Gabriel (on the left of the photo) from the Republic of Rwanda and Mr. WANI, Nicholas Paul (on the right of the photo) from Republic of Sudan.
On March program , in addition to studying by guest students, we talk about the culture of each country, such as the names often attached to children.
And they are talking about research on the theme “Software that children of Rwanda learn programming using local language“ and “Using ICT for improving agriculture in South Sudan” which is being addressed at the graduate school.

Our regular personalities, Prof. Nsenda (Architect originally from Democratic Republic of Congo and graduated from Osaka university graduate school)

our regular personalities, Ms. Funayama (Left photo: Having worked in multiple African countries)
Japan (Official guide)
Kobe city in Japan
Graduate School of Information Technology Kobe Institute of Computing

After recording we went to loacal dining near FMYY.

This time we had AKASHIYAKI Octopus dumplings & KUSHI-KATSU a Japanese dish of deep-fried skewered meat and vegetables. Both of tease IAMANESE dishes First experience for them.

KOBE bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT 第9回 日本語



今月のアフリカからの留学生は、写真の左の方がルワンダ共和國からのガブリエルさん(BAZIRAMWABO Gabriel)、そして右の方が南スーダン共和国からのワニさん(WANI, Nicholas Paul)です。


パーソナリティは、センダ先生(右側:コンゴ出身 大阪大学大学院を卒業、建築家)

ルワンダ共和国 (在日本ルワンダ大使館)
南スーダン共和国 (在日本 南スーダン共和国の大使館はありません)

ICTで課題解決できる高度な人材を育成 – 神戸情報大学院大学

神戸市とルワンダ・キガリ市の経済・交流連携協定 締結
Japan (Official guide)
Kobe city in Japan
Graduate School of Information Technology Kobe Institute of Computing






Tháng 2 “Đồ ăn dự phòng – Trung tâm lánh nạn – Hàng viện trợ – Tiền viện trợ”(2月「非常食/ 保存食・避難所・支援物資・支援金などなど」)

2月「非常食/ 保存食・避難所・支援物資・支援金などなど」
Tháng 2 “Đồ ăn dự phòng – Trung tâm lánh nạn – Hàng viện trợ – Tiền viện trợ”

Phát sóng vào lúc 17:00~17:30 các thứ Bảy ngày 3 và 10/2

こんにちは!ベトナム夢KOBEのスタッフのVu Thi Thu Thuyと林貴哉です。引き続き2月も「Phòng chống thiên tai」をお伝えします。
Xin chào các bạn! Thủy và Takaya của Việt Nam yêu mến Kobe xin được tiếp tục đồng hành cùng Quý vị và các bạn trong chương trình lần này.

先月は1995年の阪神・淡路大震災と、そこから生まれた、私たちの番組が流れているFMYYがなぜ生まれたのか、なぜ必要とされているのかについてお話ししました。今回は「非常食/ 保存食・避難所・支援物資・支援金などなど」についてのお話です。
Trong số phát sóng vào tháng trước, chúng ta đã cùng nhau tìm hiểu về trận động đất Hanshin – Awaji năm 1995 và quá trình thành lập kênh radio FMYY. Trong chương trình tháng này, chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau tìm hiểu về Đồ ăn dự phòng – Trung tâm lánh nạn – Hàng viện trợ – Tiền viện trợ.

続きを読む Tháng 2 “Đồ ăn dự phòng – Trung tâm lánh nạn – Hàng viện trợ – Tiền viện trợ”(2月「非常食/ 保存食・避難所・支援物資・支援金などなど」)

KOBE Bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT vol.8 in ENGLISH

「KOBE Bridging JAPAN & AFEICA through ICT」

On the first and second Saturdays (3rd and 10th February) from 4pm to 4:30 in Japanese and from 4:30 to 5pm in English, KIC students from Africa share their stories about what has surprised them once in Kobe, Japan, what they have found out through their life there, and other things they found intriguing and mind-blowing in Kobe or in Japan in general.This time, we will introduce about ‘Gacaca’, one of the mechanisms to stand up from the massacre of Rwanda.

Also, we talk about the research on constructing “Rwanda’s product and promotion system to encourage purchase of agricultural products”, and the research on ”a system for finding diseases of dates early so as not to reduce crop yield”
In February program, our guest students from KIC are Mr. KANDEKWE, (Guy on the left of the photo)from the Republic of Rwanda and Ms. HAMAIDI, Hadjer (on the right of the photo) from the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.

They are with our regular personalities, Ms. Funayama (Left photo: Having worked in multiple African countries) and Prof. Nsenda (Architect originally from Democratic Republic of Congo and graduated from Osaka university graduate school).

Japan (Official guide)
Kobe city in Japan
Graduate School of Information Technology Kobe Institute of Computing

Today we go to local restaurant with students from Africa ,too.
This is a Chenese restaurant.Nagata ward is where diverse people live together.

KOBE Bridging JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT 第8回 日本語

「KOBE Bridging JAPAN & AFEICA through ICT」

今回は、ルワンダの大虐殺から立ち上がる際の仕組みの一つ「ガチャチャ」についても紹介をしてもらいます。 そして、ICT(情報技術)を活用して「社会の課題を解決する仕組みつくり」の勉強をしていることのお話しも。


ICTで課題解決できる高度な人材を育成 – 神戸情報大学院大学

神戸市とルワンダ・キガリ市の経済・交流連携協定 締結

今月のアフリカからの留学生は、写真の左の方がルワンダ共和國からのギーさん(KANDEKWE, Guy)、そして右の方がアルジェリア民主人民共和国からのハジャさん(HAMAIDI, Hadjer)です。
パーソナリティは、神戸情報大学院大学の船山・プロジェクトマネージャー(左側:アフリカなどの国々でNGO活動等に参加)とセンダ先生(右側:コンゴ出身 大阪大学大学院を卒業、建築家)です
