The Kobe City Government has reopened vaccination reservations.
Please see here(PDF:232KB) for more details.
1. What to do if you think you have symptoms of Covid-19
If you have a fever, coughing, or other symptoms, please call or remotely contact your primary care physician in advance before seeing them for an examination. If your physician is unable to see you, have them direct you to a medical institution that can help.
If you do not have a primary care physician, please call Kobe City’s Novel Coronavirus Health Advice Hotline. They will direct you to a medical institution that can help.
Novel Coronavirus Health Advice Hotline (24月7日)
TEL 078-322-6250
FAX 078-391-5532
In order to protect yourself from infection, as well as protect your loved ones from being infected by you, we ask that you abide by these 3 basic prevention measures.
In places where people gather, keep the windows open for ventilation (even if it is cold).
Wear a mask, and wash and disinfect your hands thoroughly (especially the fingertips).
If you have coughing or other cold-like symptoms, do not go out, and stay home from work (even if you do not have a fever).
There are still many cases of Covid-19, hospital bed capacity is running low, and the health care system is under great pressure.
In order to save as many lives as possible, we ask the citizens of Kobe to refrain from nonessential, non-urgent outings and travel, and to take action to prevent further infections.
The answers to common questions about Covid-19 testing, diagnosis and hospitalization can be found here. Visit the Covid-19 FAQ page
3. Vaccinations
Vaccinations in Kobe will be conducted with priority given first to senior citizens aged 65 and over (born on or before April 1, 1957). Vaccinations will then be given to those with underlying conditions, followed by the rest of the public, in as timely a manner as possible.
Vaccination will be free.
Vaccination is not compulsory.
For inquiries about vaccination, please contact the Kobe City Novel Coronavirus Vaccination Call Center.
TEL: 078-277-3320
Hours: Weekdays 8時30分~20時00分
Weekends&Holidays 8時30分~17時30分
Suspension and Cancellation of Vaccination Reservations July 2, 2021 Kobe City Government
Due to a shortage of the Pfizer vaccine supply, the Kobe City Government is cancelling current vaccination reservations and suspending future reservations as follows until further notice.
In addition, we will not be sending out the vaccination vouchers for ages 12-15 on July 21. We will make an announcement for when those vouchers will be sent out once the new date has been decided.
THÔNG BÁO Thành phố Kobe, ngày 2/7/2021
Vì lượng vắc-xin Pfizer hiện nay không đủ, thành phố Kobe quyết định hủy đăng ký hiện tại và tạm dừng nhận đăng ký tiêm mới. Với những người từ 12~15 tuổi, chúng tôi sẽ không gửi phiếu đăng ký tiêm vào ngày 21/7 nữa (chúng tôi sẽ thông báo lại khi có thông tin mới nhất). Thông tin chi tiết về những thay đổi này được ghi tại bảng bên dưới: ベトナム語