
マイノリティからの発信。español, Tiếng Việt, Tagalog, 한국 조선어

KOBE Briding JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT vol.16 in ENGLISH

On the first and second Saturdays (6th and 13th October) from 4pm to 4:30 in Japanese and from 4:30 to 5pm in English, KIC students from Africa share their stories about what has surprised them once in Kobe, Japan, what they have found out through their life there, and other things they found intriguing and mind-blowing in Kobe or in Japan in general.

On October program, they are talking about Typhoon in September.And, besides their research at the graduate school, they are talking about what they want to take to home country from Japan.
In this month, our guest students from KIC are Mr. OYELEKE AKEEM IDOWU (on the right of the photo) from Federal Republic of Nigeria and Mr. NDUWAYEZU GABRIEL (on the left of the photo) from Republic of Rwanda.
They are with our regular personalities, Ms. Funayama (Left photo: Having worked in multiple African countries) and Prof. Nsenda (Architect originally from Democratic Republic of Congo and graduated from Kyoto university graduate school).

As usual we go to a local restaurant nearby FMYY.

KOBE Briding JAPAN & AFRICA through ICT 第16回 日本語


今月のアフリカからの留学生は、写真の左の方がルワンダ共和国からのガブリエル(NDUWAYEZU GABRIEL)、そして左の方がナイジェリア連邦共和国からのアキームさん(OYELEKE AKEEM IDOWU)です。


パーソナリティは、神戸情報大学院大学の船山・プロジェクトマネージャー(左側:アフリカなどの国々でNGO活動等に参加)とセンダ先生(右側:コンゴ出身 大阪大学大学院を卒業、建築家)です。収録のあとは、いつものように地域の食堂で交流を行いました。





AWEPあんしんつうしん9月Importanteng Paalala pos a pag-iwas sa kalalamidad sa buwan ng September.September

Paalala pos a pag-iwas sa kalalamidad sa buwan ng September.

「防災(ぼうさい)」は、おおあめ、じしん などの 「さいがい」のひがいを すくなくすること、そのために、今から じゅんびを すること です。
いつ どこで 「さいがい」が おきるのか わかりません。でも、「さいがい」は おこります。いのちを まもるために いえのなか たてもの・かべ・へいの あんぜんを かくにんします。ちかくの 「ひなんじょ」(あんぜんに にげるばしょ)が どこに あるか しらべます。いえから でるときにもっていく、パズポート(ぱすぽーと)、在留カード(ざいりゅうかーど)、おかね、みず、くすり、懐中電灯(かいちゅうでんとう)、レインコート(れいんこーと)などを いれた りゅっくさっくを よういすると あんしんです。「さいがい」のときに つかえる 「でんごんダイヤル(だいやる)」が あります。ばんごうは “171” です。かぞくや しんせき に れんらくするときに つかえます。

Paalala pos a pag-iwas sa kalalamidad sa buwan ng September.
Tips for Disaster Prevention: Are there any measures you can take to reduce damages and increase survival chance with your family members in case of disasters, such as flooding and earthquakes? We can’t know in advance exactly when and where disasters will occur, but we can say that disasters will occur. What can we do to protect our lives? First, we can check the conditions of our house, walls, and brick fences now. Second, find out the location of the nearest emergency shelter beforehand. Third, prepare a backpack containing a survival kit such as passport, residence card, some money, water, medicine, a flashlight, a raincoat, etc. Fourth, remember you can dial 171, the special number for disaster times to leave messages and to contact your family members and relatives.

【Tagalog タガログ語】
Libreng konsultasyon sa teleponong serbisyo para sa dayuhan
Yorisoi Hotline (Helpline para sa dayuhan)
Para sa iba’ t-ibang salita, paki-press ang 2 pagkatapos na marinig ang paunang paliwanag.

Tháng 9 “Tháng 9 – Mùa thu” / 9月「9月-秋」

Tháng 9 “Tháng 9 – Mùa thu”
Phát sóng vào lúc 17:00~17:30 các ngày thứ Bảy mùng 1 và 8 tháng 9


Xin chào Quý vị và các bạn. Thủy và Takaya xin được tiếp tục đồng hành cùng Quý vị và các bạn trong chương trình lần này. Trong số phát sóng vào tháng trước, chúng ta đã cùng nhau tìm hiểu về những biểu hiện và cách phòng tránh bệnh say nắng trong mùa hè. Và trong chương trình lần này, chúng ta hãy cùng nhau thảo luận về chủ đề “Tháng 9 – Mùa thu” nhé!

続きを読む Tháng 9 “Tháng 9 – Mùa thu” / 9月「9月-秋」


Mr. Israel Nishimwe and Mr. James Ndekezi, both high school students then, participated in the 6-month training program from October 2017 to March 2018, which was provided under KIC’s ICT human resource development project in Rwanda.

During the training course, the two youngsters produced a “smart table” that can charge such devices like smart phones or laptops, or turn on a light when those are put on the table, using wireless electricity technology. This voice message about their project was recorded soon after they embarked on the training course. They tell us that the smart table is a cheap method to make people’s lives more convenient.

Moreover, the wireless electricity technology that they used can also prevent electric shock accidents when applied to a wider range of things, and if combined with solar power generating system, it can also lessen the burden on the environment, they say. They confidently concluded the interview by saying “the future will be better than the past.”